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Thursday, June 28, 2012

Should I continue doing these blogs

Hello real estate junkies

today I would like to touch on a few things.  first of all I started doing this blogging thing and then quickly stopped.   I couldn't possibly see who would be interested in hearing about my
life as a full time, full service realtor.  The daily grind, of a veteran Realtor with over 25 years experience in the industry and the stories that go along with those years.  Real estate stories, that I like to call  the good, the bad and the ugly.

well, one day I stumble across the old blogger that i started... and had quickly stopped so long ago, and much to my surprise, blogger has changed their format.  Yes I know, some computer geek is thinking "uh!,no kidding dude" but this was news to me. Great, a more user friendly set up.  So my interest was peeked. but what really caught my attention was the stats. wow! like a thousand people have read my couple of  blogs.  well this is completely amazing to me.
could it be possible that someone might actually be interested in reading about my perverbial trial and tribulations of my travels through the not always tranquil waters of my chosen career?

So this is my question.  Does anyone really want to hear about market condition, new listings,,funny stories that I live on a daily bases in this crazy business?

Like today.  How a realtor friend of mind, wrote on a house for client of his and quickly found out that he was in competition with 18 other bids for the same property.  By the way, this is a normal recurrence here in our happy little burg and has been for many years.
Or how about the story of being the highest offer by $10,000 on a competitive situation and still not getting the house for my clients.

Well, let me know if these little stories would interest you and maybe I'll come back and tell a tale or two. If anything you will get to hear all about the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.